Is there a sub for the pumpkin? I don’t like sweet pumpkin, only savory 😬

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I love the approachable way you explain the *science* behind the cookie! It makes my love of baking and my hatred of science come together in peaceful harmony. trying these asap.

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Hi Justine, I've just baked these cookies and they are absolutely dee-licious! A unique and interesting flavour BOMB! The aroma when they were baking- heaven. FYI (and I know this goes against EVERYTHING you've written about high gluten cookies!) I used, gluten free flour- just the pre-mixed gluten free plain flour local supermarkets sell here in Australia and they still (more than!) worked. I also substituted left-over roast sweet potato for the pumpkin and Greek yogurt for the cream as didn't have either to hand. I will definitely make them again. Thanks so much for sharing the recipe :)

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I love how you write recipes.

Also excited that this makes 6 large cookies, it's just me & my partner at home & I don't have a lot of people to give baked goods to so having a manageable amount without having to alter the recipe or commiting to freezing most of it is so nice.

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A cookie I can get behind!!

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hi! I want to make these, but I don't have raw honey and don't want to have to go buy some. Can I make with regular honey?

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The cookies sound amazing! I’m baking them asap. I love savory baked things - fennel, anise, etc, so this recipe is right up my alley (or right in my oven soon).

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