This travel guide is a treasure trove of hidden gems and practical tips! Your descriptions make me feel like I'm right there with you, savoring the best of Edinburgh and Praiano. Your balanced approach to planning and enjoying each moment is truly inspiring. Can't wait to visit these places and try out all your recommendations! Thank you for sharing your adventure so vividly.

P.S. Your breakfast advice for Praiano is a lifesaver!

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Loved this. We are in Edinburgh a couple times a year and loved your selects. The Outsider is great. Next time you’re back, add Noto to the list which is also wonderful.

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Sounds like the most incredible trip!! I highly align with the loose planning, it leaves room to just live and experience life in a new place. Adding Praiano to the list! ✨

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Marina del Praia - I went there in September. What a pretty place. Praino and Positano are gorgeous. The drive TO those towns was terrifying, but it was worth the risk of possible death lol. I miss it.

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So glad you took your PTO *and* took the time to regale us with tales of your travels! Definitely taking notes

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Wait what? How did I not know you were just in Italy? Tonnarella is a longtime favorite, and I even included one of their recipes in my last book. Sorry I missed meeting up in Rome. We've got to get you back to Italy soon. ;)

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Super interesting Substack, you’ve got a new subscriber my friend

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My husband and I honeymooned in Praiano and I could not agree more with your descriptions - this really took me back! What a beautiful place.

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Wow, your trip sounds absolutely incredible! Edinburgh and Praiano both seem like dream destinations with their unique charms. I love the mix of hidden gems and local recommendations you provided—so helpful for anyone planning a similar adventure. I especially appreciate your relaxed approach to vacation planning; it really does take the stress out of trying to make everything perfect. The idea of finding a secluded beach that’s not on Google Maps is just the kind of discovery that makes a trip unforgettable.

Your restaurant recommendations also made my mouth water. I can’t wait to try some of those dishes if I ever find myself in Praiano.

Quick question: How did you balance finding hidden gems with enjoying popular spots without feeling overwhelmed?

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What a beautiful guide! We stayed in Praiano and I too was smitten with Kasai and Marina de Praia and the whole Praiano is so much more local and undiscovered than the neighbors it's sandwiched in between vibe. :) Now to get to Edinburgh, and take all your tips along with!

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okay now i need to go back to scotland! i love edi sooo much

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As an Edinburgh girl, I’m so glad you loved it here! Can 100% say we have an amazing food scene

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Love this so much!! What a magical trip!!! Thank you for sharing and I’m definitely going to be using my PTO soon after your inspiration!🤍

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I’m trying to be better at loose planning but then I keep getting all these fun guides and it makes it so hard.

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